Prepare the management organization for the AI transformation, reduce uncertainty among employees, recognize potential and create interest in AI.
In order to arouse everyone’s interest in AI and to show the diverse facets of AI, a keynote speech by AI experts is recommended. Patrick Glauner is a professor of artificial intelligence, an experienced AI expert in business and advisor to the governments of Germany, France and Luxembourg. In his keynote speech, he highlights the potential and legal framework, presents use cases and looks at the industry-specific effects of AI. This keynote is ideal for a year-opening event.
In our workshops for leaders, we examine the opportunities and risks as well as the uncertainties among employees that arise from AI. We look at the fields of AI and typical errors during implementation. Together with the participants, we develop potential for using AI and we reflect on the effects on employees and develop measures to reduce possible uncertainties.
With systematic leadership organizational development, we work with our customers to create organizations that are capable of change. Artificial intelligence is one of the biggest change topics that will accompany us in the next few years. In order to implement upcoming transformation goals and business goals more quickly and to anchor these goals sustainably in the organization, we need a guiding coalition of the entire management team and a culture of collaboration that is based on real trust and understanding. This is the basis for a cross-departmental AI roadmap.
Qualified AI experts and leadership and organizational development experts for your AI transformation
Together with our customers, we develop a target image that is tailored to the organization and that uses AI in the right places where it creates a real gain in efficiency and/or generates competitive advantages. Together with the management teams, we derive the leadership competencies that are necessary for the AI transformation and agree on measures for implementation.
Articles, contributions and interviews on the topic of artificial intelligence and the requirements for it